The story concerns Death (who's portrayed as a compassionate kinda guy with a tough job) being forced by the proprietors of Heaven and Hell to fetch them more 'customers'.
The Reaper is supposed to kill off a deformed young girl, but cannot find it in his heart to do so. A platonic love then blossoms between Death and the Maiden (the stand alone title of the piece) until the previously-mentioned proprietors intervene.
Afraid that's all I can tell you without adding spoilers.
I'm reaching out to American literary agents about my 'Lost' Canterbury Tales project, but so far no bites.
Let's hope I'm using the right bait!
Below are links to my most recent Global Short Story Competition winning story, my short-listed story for the National newspaper (Abu Dhabi's, annual short story competition) and a story that appeared on the Every Day Fiction site - where you can leave a comment:
Happy Writing!