Alice's Bowling Adventure (previously published in the Weekly News, in 2007) has been republished under the title A Big Bowling Adventure. Based on the Alice in Wonderland / Alice Through the Looking Glass books, the story includes several poems.
I wrote the story to encourage my kids to remember to brush their teeth (the connection with bowling would take too long to explain here), and includes the poem below about a toothless child called Nigel Neath:
Nigel Neath lost all his teeth
through eating too much candy;
he threw his toothbrush in the bin
and thought it rather dandy.
But now he cannot chew his food,
or else his gums get tender;
so everything he wants to eat
his mum puts in the blender.
Must admit, I'm tempted to write a few kids' poems again. Let's see what I can come up with!
Below are links to my most recent Global Short Story Competition winning story, my short-listed story for the National newspaper (Abu Dhabi's annual short story competition) and another story that appeared on the Every Day Fiction site - where you can leave a comment:
Happy Writing!