A Lesson in Artistry started life as a 200-word piece of flash fiction concerning a successful young businessman who gets cursed and has to learn a bit of humility.
What's most interesting about this story is that I've never lost faith in it, even though it's been rejected several times in the past. Ironically, one of those rejections was because the magazine I submitted it to had recently published a story of mine that also involved an artist. However, I was sure that since the idea behind the story was (as far as I know) unique, it would eventually find a home.
Anyhow, once again this goes to show that you shouldn't give up on a piece of writing just because it has accrued more than its fair share of rejection slips.
Below are links to my two Global Short Story Competition winners, my short-listed story for the National newspaper, Abu Dhabi, and my Canterbury Tale published by Coscom Entertainment:
Happy writing!