Based on the incidences of PETA direct action against fashion models wearing animal furs, this story injected alien intervention as conservators of Earth's wildlife into the mix.
To be quite honest, it was surprising to me that a story crossing the sci-fi, crime fiction genres (the story includes an investigating detective totally flummoxed by a dead fashion model's fur's mysterious disappearance) would be picked up by a magazine that has an audience more likely to read other, more mainstream, genres.
Anyhow, I'm flattered the editors, and, apparently the readership too, were entertained. It just goes to show that even if a story is pushing the boundaries of the guidelines, it's still worth having a go at submitting - just in case.
Below are links to my Global Short Story Competition winning story, my short-listed story for the National newspaper (Abu Dhabi's, annual short story competition) and a story that appeared on the Every Day Fiction site - where you can leave a comment:
Happy Writing!