Anyhow, that's enough spoilers.
The story was slated to appear in one of The Library of the Living Dead anthologies until the Library abruptly called it a day. Undeterred, I sent the story off to Pacific Magazines and was over the moon (or 'up in the Palm tree' as they say here) to receive an acceptance.
Suffice to say, this humorous, historical ghost yarn has hit the streets Down-Under, appearing in the autumn 2013 issue of Fast Fiction - it being 'autumn' because Australia is in the southern hemisphere, by the way. I'm also mighty impressed with the illustrations, so all in all, paycheck included, it's been a good result.
Just goes to show, if your work gets rejected and is sent back to you, just send it back out again.
Below are links to my Canterbury Tale published by Coscom Entertainment, my most recent Global Short Story Competition winner and my short-listed story for the National newspaper, Abu Dhabi :
Happy writing!