What's not to mock? Even some of the Donald's closest allies were in front of the camera berating the ex-Prez. That said, at $99 a pop, they sold out toot sweet as the French might (not) say.
Well, while I was out jogging, I wrote the limerick below in my head. I must admit, I could only think of 'Nero' and 'zero' as rhymes for 'hero', but they do kinda fit.
Then there was the word 'trading' which doesn't scan as well as it might. Even so, not a bad effort, even if I say so myself.
Donald the Superhero Limerick
Trump acted like Emperor Nero,
a heartless, historical zero.
Yet still his fans bought
trading cards in support
of his view of himself as a hero.
Below are links to my short-listed story for the National newspaper and for a couple of stories that appeared on the Every Day Fiction site - where you can leave a comment and a rating if you so desire:
Happy writing!