A successful limerick however, clean or dirty, involves a lot of skill in the writing. Firstly, you have only five lines to play with (usually between 20 and 30 words), and a specific rhyme scheme and rhythm. Also, a limerick has a lot in common with a good joke. The beginning sets the scene, the middle develops the storyline and the end is the punchline. Below is one of my clean limericks which appears on my website's limericks page and on the website for clean limericks, Funny Limericks for Everyone:
Angry Wife Limerick
In fury my wife said, “I’ll nail yer,
for being in life such a failure.”
Then she savaged my ear
with her teeth till I fear
it now looks like a map of Australia.
Although some of the limericks published on the Funny Limericks for Everyone site don't scan as well as they might or fall a bit flat, there is the occasional gut-buster. Check it out - and check out my limericks page, too: