As for Aya (Miracle), here’s wishing her as normal an upbringing as possible, I imagine with her extended family.
Sonnet to a Miracle
They’ve named her Miracle, that new born child
found in the earthquake’s rubble, still attached
to she who gave her life though hers was snatched.
A neighbour cut the cord and Fortune smiled
upon this dusty innocent whose kin
were suddenly extinguished in a tomb
of debris where a dying mother’s womb
released the baby girl who lay within.
This infant is a talisman of hope
amidst despair where one brief touch of Death
has stilled so many, cutting off their breath--
a miracle to help the helpless cope.
Grow up, sweet daughter! Shun disaster’s blight!
You gave us faith, embrace Life’s joyful light.
Below are links to my short-listed story for the National newspaper and for a couple of stories that appeared on the Every Day Fiction site - where you can leave a comment and a rating if you so desire. WARNING - Exodus Mortis is a bit disturbing:
Happy writing!