I really must hand it to Writers' Forum, their flash fiction competition has led me into doing some highly successful, often last minute, writing. In fact, I had mere hours to ready a piece for their last competition, having picked up my copy of the magazine from my post box at nine in the morning with a four o'clock in the afternoon deadline looming.
In last month's Letters' Page in Writers' Forum, a reader was complaining about the dearth of humorous pieces of writing being competition winners, so I'm going out of my way to turn my hand to humour. The problem, I feel, is that humour is very subjective, to the extent that what one reader finds hilarious, another finds offensive or puerile. Conversely, even if a reader doesn't like the subject matter of a seriously depressing piece of writing, we're more likely to judge it on its literary value than a humorous piece.
Anyhooo, enough of this. I've got some humorous scribblings to do ... or not.
Below are links to my most recent Global Short Story Competition winning story, my short-listed story for the National newspaper (Abu Dhabi's, annual short story competition) and a story that appeared on the Every Day Fiction site - where you can leave a comment:
Happy Writing!